Viator Top Destinations

Top 15 attractions in England

Britain is a little yet strong nation overflowing with culture, history, and appeal. London, the gem of Britain’s compositional crown, rules over the south and partakes in a closeness to the 5,000-year-old Stonehenge, Windsor Palace, and Shower. Somewhere else, Oxford and Cambridge incorporate scholarly glory; York’s Gothic convent radiates a spooky feel; and waterfront jewels like Brighton, Dover, and Cornwall offer family-accommodating attractions and the opportunity to visit England’s sea shores. Whether you need to encounter the brilliant lights of London, the serene magnificence of the Lake Region, or the well established history of English urban areas, Britain’s social variety offers something for everybody

Tower of London Tours and Tickets

From archaic torment to inauspicious executions and notorious imperial detainees, the Pinnacle of London has long ended up at the focal point of the city’s dull history. Worked by William the Vanquisher in 1066, the notable palace has filled in as an Illustrious Zoological garden, Her Highness’ jail, an execution site, an imperial observatory, a Regal Mint, and a tactical storage facility throughout its presence.

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